Final Performance evaluation

What went well: Even with a broken voice I still pulled most of the song off, Jeff Buckley uses a lot of falsetto and i had non of that anymore and a lot of strength was lost too due to the broken voice. But Super pleased with the bands performance on this one as we struggled with the dynamics a lot. My heart shaped box: Think the tone sounded really good, i wouldn’t of thought a female vocal would of worked so well for Nirvana but i really think she pulled it off well. Glad i pulled the solo off as the original solo sounds a bit weak to me and i also messed it up in the dress rehearsal a bit so glad i pulled it off. Go with the flow: Really pleased with this one, yeah i messed up the outro but we all pulled it together and the tones were solid with Lacey and Isobel playing really tightly the whole time. My iron lung: I played the ambient single notes so much better this time and remembered to play the correct notes too! And my voice didn’t sound as bad somehow. Thought this one was played really well between all of us. My hero:

What went wrong: Grace: Well the band did a smashing job and would of been almost perfect if my voice wasn’t broken of course and also if i practiced just the last part of grace a bit better. I also kept singing away from the microphone. My heart shaped box: I think me and Isobel are rushing the bends for the chorus time wise and i think i missed up the intro but cant really tell, i do remember messing up every song so i’m going to take the blame on that one. Go with the flow: Isobel forgot to tune her guitar so she stopped playing but you cant notice it too much. I missed my vocal thats in the middle of the song and then played the wrong note just before solo. Ending was messed due to me not singing for an extra bar. My iron lung: Isobel slightly messed up the start. My hero: Bass is a bit over powering but i don’t think that was Joseph’s fault. My timing was off for the the little riff just before the 2nd chorus and very much off for the start of the bridge. Loved the ending of this one i thought it really saved the song.

What to do better next time: Grace: I need to do some research on vocal strain as i thought i was cautious enough about it anyway and never thought i was pushing too hard but clearly i was! I also need to ensure the mic is in the perfect spot as that was the reason of me not singing directly in the mic all the time. But i thought the song turned out really well overall. My heart shaped box: I thought this went super well but i needed to rehearse this one a little bit more and then it would of been perfect. Go with the flow: I needed to practice this one more for sure and i never really practiced the vocals either because of needing to learn Little wing in time, but the rest of the band did a really good job. My iron lung: Not much to say it was really good and Im proud for everyone. My hero: Unfortunately due to me messing up a lot i think the energy was a bit diminished but we really saved it with the ending glad i’m happy about that.