P4 Final idea

My plan is to perform live hard rock or rock and blues style of music. The main sources of inspiration is overdriven rock and blues grooves, licks and solos and also a bit of metal as well. The main inspiration for this would be Stevie Ray Vaughan, buddy guy and jimmy Hendrix. Ill be practicing some of these artists songs at home as well as college.

To accomplish this project i will need to ask around the music college members or even find some members outside of college. I will be in need at least a dummer, bassist and a vocalist. Ill be reaching out to people in colleges, pubs, online forums, online groups to find other members as well.

I think that i will over come challenges of finding band members and possibly getting the songs rehearsed in time for a show. To over come these i think i will have to do a lot of reaching out to social media sites, online groups and even going to studios to find if there are any musicians that have left notices on a notice board. Also for the song rehearsal, i will just have to be persistent but patient and try help them as best as i can along the way.

I will document the progress of my work onto YouTube, which will show videos of the beginning of my project through out the end of the project. And if i have missed out any information then i will just do some re recordings and upload them.

By looking at my progress each week on my YouTube channel and looking if i need to improve or catch up onto something.

I will uploading youtube videos to a public youtube channel and then making a private video for the end of the project for when i have to show my project to the showcase event. The private video will be a vlog type of video that shows my progress of each week.

This project is useful to me because i need to work on performance, performance confidence, and working in a band. If this project is successful then i would of accomplished all of those tasks and will help with what i want to do in the future which is to work a job as being a band and a musician.