Music theory & song writing

The video above is a music video about how the same chords C Major, G Major, A Major, F Major are used in countless amount of songs with the same chord progression 1,5,6,4 and demonstrating it by mixing loads of songs together that use those chords and matching them showing a lot of songs use the 1,5,6,4, pattern, especially pop songs.

A video about how every song is based on chord progressions and that a lot of songs especially pop songs use the progression 1,5,6,4/ C Major, G Major, A Major, F Major but also how to use those same chords and make something different out of it using different levels of music theory.

What went well: I successfully made an intro with 4 chords that sounded nice and had nice touches like hammer-on’s and pull-off’s to it to not make it just boring.

What went wrong: The recording wasn’t very good and the rhythm and stumming needs more work as it was a bit stuttered and didn’t have good motion for the song.

What to do better for next time: Practice the song more to get a better feel and time for it. Record in a different area so its more clear for the mic. Start to think of some different ideas to more the chord progression sound a bit more whole and finished.

what went well: My playing was a lot less jittery this time and had good rhythm and timing and sounded nice, and was a lot more complete this time too. The recording sound was a lot better too as last time was very muffled.

What went wrong: Timing could still be improved as this is a 3/4 composition.

What to do better next time: Decide on what I want to do for the chorus, bridge and ending and make some lyrics for the song so I start singing.

what went well: Playing for my song was a lot more confident and dynamic, It now has a chorus and sort of a bridge? but also not because it just sounds like my chorus. The song sounds and is a lot more complete now.

What went wrong: Need to work on my timing and structure and practice my chorus intro and chorus. Also I was still being a bit stiff with my pull offs and guitar phrasing.

What to do better next time: Practice the song more, come up with a proper bride and make an outro and create a solo. Then create some lyrics and sing said lyrics.

what went well: Some added bluesy guitar licks in the chorus which lifted the blues feeling that I wanted for the song. I changed the bride too be more obvious too and a better transition to my verse and added and outro.

What went wrong: Playing was very sloppy and weak, need to practice more as at song feels all over the place because of it. Outro needs to be changed to feel more finished. And guitar solo needs to be improved as it had a lot of wrong notes and just wasn’t structured properly.

What to do better next time: Make song lyrics, practice the structure and timing, change the outro, create a guitar solo and then practice the song.

what went well: This time it was a lot better played with it not sounding a ruff and more sweet and dynamic, also the chorus intro was a lot smoother and with the chorus. Verse timing was better too The outro was a lot more finished too unlike last time where it was all over the place.

What went wrong: Timing could still be worked on and more practice, it was played a lot nicer this time but still didn’t feel confidently played at the verse, still and the solo. Still need to learn a better structure for the solo too. Also need to practice the structure more as the chorus is played differently almost every time I play it. Still need to learn lyrics.

What to do better next time: Need to practice the structure and make a proper solo. Do more practice for the song overall and create some lyrics.

What went well: This time the song has a easy to follow rhythm and had good technique with the chorus intro. Also volume control complemented where the song was going. The solo was improved massively and had better structure, flow and ending.

What went wrong: Better timing for the last chorus. My solo outro needs a better structure as you can tell it doesn’t feel properly blended into the heavy chorus.

What to do better next time: Solo ending needs to blend into the heavy rock chorus better. Better picking and playing technique for the licks could be of use and the timing for the last chorus could be better too as its crashing down into the outro. Also id like to make the song longer as to me it feels too short. Also lyrics…

•Strengths and areas for improvement of your final composition: In my opinion I think my overall creativity in my song expresses my piers like Jeff Buckley(verse), Stevie ray Vaughan(licks and solos) and Queens of the stone age(Chorus) And shows I can use my inspirations from them and develop my own track out of them. And in that my song is not headed for simplicity but has a combination of different styles of music like Rock, metal and blues all that’s all put together in a short period of time. How ever I feel the song should off been 1 to 2 mins longer as because of the intense choruses it makes it feel longer than it is and could a longer track would take you on more of a journey. Also lyrics would of completely changed how It would of sounded if added in and made it a proper track.

•What needs to be finished for your song next project before you record? I would like to extend the song to about 5 to 6 minutes so it feels finished at the right time, add lyrics, and improve the structure of the solo as the ending does not sound properly done. Then finalise how I’m going to play the song the the phrasing and rhythm of the chords at the start and how the chorus strum patters are played as I keep playing it different and need to finalise an idea.

•Do you have ideas for promotion, created artwork, distribution? I have no intentions at the moment, but would like to do it if were given chance next project.

•Did you use song writing software/tools effectively? No, I just improvised with that I thought sounded nice and built it off that.

•Did you plan the song structure beforehand? No. It had a ‘just go a long with it structure’

•Did you experiment with different sounds or instruments? No but definitely something I want to do.

•What do you need to do to be able to perform your song live? I could just go to a open night mic and play it solo with acoustic. As the song is finished and doesn’t need further development.