P1 – Performance Presentation

What went well: Overall you could hear what i was saying and what i was talking about becuase i had a decent volume, with also pointing out to explain things better and showing pictures to give more of a descripition of what i was on about and give a more interesting slide show.

what went wrong: Slowing down on my speech and pronouncing my words better would be an improvemen, also facing the adudience instead of the board would be an improvment too. Behind the scenes i didnt know how to use the computer well or mirosoft powerpoint so that took a tole on how much time i had to do this.

what i could do better: Taking extra time to use the computer and powerpoint, also pronoucing my words better and slower. Next time i will also write my power point better so its more descriptive but also better to read . And if i can i would practice the words from the powerpoint so i can always face the audience and be more presentable.