Project Evaluation

•Return to targets set at end of Project 1 – did you meet your targets? I can confidently say that I completed all my tasks accept recording my work to hand in instead of typing, this is because most of the time I was doing my work at college instead at home because I improved my time management) and I’ve developed my writing skills a lot more now. This would be the 1st time i’ve handed in work on time without rushing it and that makes me happy.

•Evaluate your research. Did you do enough? Was it relevant and useful? What else could you have researched?: I would say I did enough work as I put the time and effort in to make sure it makes sense and have the right amount of information, I should of researched more about music theory as I there was minimal research on that page.

•Evaluate your practical skills – using software, understanding theory, song writing techniques, etc. I would give this a low grade as I struggled a lot with the producing on my electronic side like with the timing, mixing volumes and just recording too, something I definitely need to work on. Same with the theory, I did not use any theory at all to create my song which was the point of the project, reason for this is because I like to make a song by it sounding good to me, but totally should of used theory to find the scales I needed for my song and to find what chords I used. Although writing techniques is a good grade from me as I thought my songs was diverse but made sense and had good rhythm at the same time, as the chords at the start had a calm and relaxed feeling to then the pre chorus questioning where things are going, to a thrashing chorus that then blends back into the verse with multiple guitar solos and choruses added in to make all not the same.

•Think about whether composing or song writing is a career you’d like to pursue or whether you’d like to do future projects with these skills. If it is, how would you go about it, or in other words what should you do to develop your skills further?: song writing would be crucial for my career as after college I am looking to create a band to create my own songs. For next project I would like develop my lyric writing skills as I didn’t get to develop them for my song this project. To develop this further I think I would just need to develop my time better as I started my lyrics to late in this project thus not giving me enough time to develop them.

•Which composition did you enjoy the most and why? I enjoyed making the song writing the most as I like using physical instruments instead of digital, It also meant I use my skills on the guitar to craft a song that I liked. I’m used to the natural sound of amps and how they feel but when using the music software’s it felt like restricted what I could make and feel because of the digital sounds and having to figure how to the software its self.

•Did you enjoy the project as a whole?! What do you need to improve for future projects? Do you have any ideas for future projects relating to composing or song writing. As a whole I enjoyed the project and think it has taught me a lot of processes of software music and also how theory can really open and speed the process of how you make your songs. I have plans to develop my writing skills for next project as that’s what I need to finish my song writing track. Also to develop my music theory and to understand the ways of guitar.