Initial Assessment

1.What is the piece you have chosen for your initial assessment?

I have chosen to do a cover of Queens hammer to fall from their live aid 1985 performance. I chose this piece because I already knew it but haven’t played it for a very long time, hence why some parts are well performed and some are not . Also because I was in a very small time frame and this was a quick option. However queen are one of my favourite bands and I really enjoy their music and playing brain Mays style of playing too.

2.Why did you choose this piece of music?

I chose this piece because the live aid performance has being a huge staple on what I expect in a live performance and shown me what true musical talent can accomplish. Also because queen was the 1st piece of music I ever truly enjoyed and I already knew this version of hammer to fall and I didn’t have much time left to record something so this was a good option.

3.What was successful about your performance and why?

think the overall timing with the verse and chorus, structure, rhythm and tone was good since i’ve not played that long for months and that recording was my 2nd attempt. Also my technique with with tremolo arm and the prasing of the chords.

4.What wasn’t successful about your performance and why?

The solo was not very well played, missing a lot of notes or muting notes and being sloppy and out of time.

5.What could you improve in the future and how?

The timing, rhythm, solo, and structure needed improving. But not because I don’t know it but because I haven’t had enough practice and I had a very short amount of time to record this song. just an hour of practice and I can confidently say that I could perform this quite well. Also the audio was very mixed and was hard to hear what I was playing too.

6.How did you learn the song?

I learnt the song by watching tutorials on YouTube, watching people play it on YouTube and also listening to the song a lot and seeing If I can figure things out for my self.

Evaluation target: To evolve and improve my documentation of how I evaluate my work and start being more specific and more in depth with what I’m trying to talk about. I know this will be beneficial for me, as Ive struggled with explaining things in general not just with how I’m going to improve my rehearsal videos. I believe I can do it and that it’s not an incredibly impossible task. This is important to me because I want to improve my describing for my English GCSE and get better grades in my music projects. I will be doing it across the rest of the projects through out the music course. An example if this will be in my practical target below.

Practical target: This year I want to improve my singing because I started last final showcase but now I want to be more of a professional singer. Mainly blending my chest voice, head voice, and falsetto, also working on projecting my voice to higher notes and sustaining them and having more control on my vibrato. I know this will be beneficial as It will massively improve my singing techniques and just my singing in general. I believe I can do it with enough discipline and time. It’s important to me because I want to be more useful in a band and as a musician when I want to create my own songs. Im going to start practice singing a song called ‘Grace’ by Jeff Buckley as I will be performing this song for the final showcase, the song is also perfect for what I want to do as I covers all the techniques I was talking about.

My choice: I would like to improve my musician ship on the drums as i’ve just started play and would like to develop different timings, techniques and skills on the drums. I know this will be good for me as I think it will improve my timing and help me learn different timings and rhythms and think differently as a musician. I believe I can do this as I have a drum kit at home and have been taking drum lessons at college. It’s Important to me as I believe it’s important to be skilled at multiple instruments as musician and helps you develop skills with other instruments you play too and think differently with other instruments which is important when you’re trying to develop new music. I’ll be doing it in my own Time at home and at college.