
What is the project about: Project 4 is about planning what and how were doing for project 5.

What are you going to be doing: Deciding what we’re doing (personally I’m doing a live performance) and then planning it. So I would be planning what songs Im doing, what people I should take on board, what equipment I’ll need and doing re search on the songs I’m doing to see how they did It live and also how I’m going to document my progress throughout the project.

How will you be doing it: I’m going to be using Microsoft teams to contact musicans in the college to see who would be down to do the songs with me. Talking to them to ensure what there in for. And then I’ll be using the mac’s and digital space to document my work.

What equipment will you be using: The mac computers at college and at home and then using digital space to document my work and using google for research.