Dress Rehearsal Evaluation

dress rehearsal

What went well: Grace: Even though with my voice issues i think my voice in some parts were really good and my vibrato control has definitely got a lot better so i’m happy about that, The band held it together too and they all played there parts precisely. Heart shaped box: I think Heart Shaped box went really well as we all stayed in time and musically, the tones all worked together. Lacey also sang the song well which I didn’t think would happen as it’s a male singing the vocal originally and I didn’t think she’d be able to hit the low range so strongly. Go With The Flow: Overall it went quite well with only little mistakes, the tones and the connectivity between the band was put together in a short amount of time as we changed to this song 4 weeks before the gig so glad it went so well. My iron lung: The overall band performance was really tight and our dynamics where a lot better than what was happening in rehearsals so pleased about that. Wished i practiced this one a bit more as it had so much energy! My hero: Wow! i’m super happy with everyone on this one, definitely our best performed song, super tight between the whole band and incredible energy. This song is kind of simple so i thought it would be the lamest but being the 1st song we all started to rehearse with i think it helped us to pull it off well.

What went wrong: Grace: Unfortunately my voice broke on the same day of the gig so sometimes my voice cracks or it sounds really weak. Heart Shaped Box: I think the solo could have gone better as I wasn’t fully in time and didn’t hit all the notes properly and also the timing with me and Isobel could be better in the choruses. Go With The Flow: My timing for some of the parts of the song were dragging mainly for the chorus and then i messed up the structure for the outro part and forgot to come in with the vocals on time. My iron lung: I messed up my parts at the start song and just before we enter the 1st chorus also my voice wasn’t sounding so great but i think thats both not practicing and my broken voice. My hero: I messed up the start of the bridge but pulled it back together so glad that happened.

What to do better next time: Grace: I think being more aware about voice strain is something to think about although i never felt like i was straining my voice that bad when practicing but clearly i was! Heart Shaped Box: Not much could be changed about this song as it sounds really good and I don’t think the audience would notice the minor mess ups we made, I think if we all listen to the song before the show a few times to get it in our heads then we’ll be able to fully pull the song off. Go With The Flow: Didn’t really practice this song much due to being busy with other things but i just needed some more practice and it would of been fine. My iron lung: I should of practiced this one more as i was always suffering with my dynamic parts, and i also needed to practice my vocals for this song which i never did properly. My hero- I had this song down really well at one point but then i got real busy with Little wing so i defo just needed to practice this song a bit more and it would of been fine.