P4 Mock Performance

What went well

Lover you should’ve come over: The overall timing and structure was pretty decent and had no obvious mistakes. Also the tone of the guitar complimented the song well and the vocals were on key and on time mostly.

You really got me: The timing was pretty decent as a band and also the ending of the song. Also we remembered the breakdowns well too.

Voodoo child: It was almost a perfect performance as the tones, intros and outros were perfect with remembering most of the structure.

What went wrong

Lover you should’ve come over: The volume was way too loud, also shifting chest/head voice wasn’t so smooth and controlled and when switching the volumes were varied sometimes too. Also when i introduced Ethan onto the stage i didn’t wait for the crowd to finish clapping.

You really got me: The overdrive was really low on this You really got me performance which made it not chug as deep and made the tapping part of the solo really weak. Also i messed up the intro of the song.

Voodoo child: We messed up the 2nd chorus as the breakdown ends, also forgot the lyric for the 2nd chorus breakdown.

What to improve on for next time

Lover you should’ve come over: The strumming timing was off and needs more practice, also switching head to chest voice was a bit unstable and needs more volume control too. Also the volume needs to sound checked as it was too loud.

You really got me: Make The tone needs to be checked over as there was no Bass or overdrive which effected the riff of the guitar and made the tapping part of the solo very dull.

Voodoo child: The Breakdowns needed work on the most as you could hear the bass had to catch up on the 2nd chorus.