P3 Final song and evaluation

What went well: I think overall im happy we completed the task of successfully creating a track recorded in the studio and then also mixing it. The sound of the song overall sounds good as well and sounds like a quality recorded track.

what went wrong: I think a lot that went wrong was the lack of full band attendance as there was a lot of times our progress had slowed down because people were ill or had not attended college. But also i needed to practice the songs more as well. As there were times we had to stop because i didn’t remember the song structure correctly.

what we could of done better: As a band we should of agreed with our problems and tried to work on them, and also talked more as a band on how we could improve our song or how we could speed up progress. Also we just didn’t rehearse the songs much in general and often when we did we had long breaks between until we would start again.

what i would of done better: I think it would of made rehearsals a lot smoother and less time consuming if i had done some more practicing at home, which i did improve on from last project but i think more practice would still of benefited a lot.