P3 Introduction

Here this is my introduction for project 3. 1st I’m going to look at my 2nd projects goals to see how I’ve improved or not improved from the last project

1st target: My 1st target was to wright less in my work and get more straight to the point. Id say i’ve improved on this task but I could now did with giving more detailed information on my work and screenshooting more steps on how I’ve completed my work.

2nd target: 2nd target was about being more careful and sensible time. This task still needs some work but id say I’ve but more value and effort with my time recently for my projects.

3rd target: And the 3rd target was to assess me more in my own work, and add more description and steps to how I completed my work. I definitely think about my self more in my work and try not to talk about others as such in my work.

What I’ve done well from the last project

Since last project I’ve improved at being a better at putting my self more into the band and building a better connection with the band. Also just working in a band in general, practicing and rehearsing more at home for the song we produced for a better rehearsals. I’ve also practiced a lot more in general since last project and also taken up some acoustic guitar as well, as it would It would of benefited last project a lot.