P2 Final composition and evaluation

The good : I think that our strengths were how quick we could get a composition made up when we had a full band. And that we created song were happy with as well.

What went wrong: There was a lack of attendance as a full band, so it made us struggle a bit more than usual. Also i didn’t really know my part so well so it cause us a bit more time As well.

What we can do better next time: I think just people practicing at home more often would help a bit, and that all of us turned up at every band session that would be better for next time.

What i could do better next time : Not enough practicing was a big factor as why i struggled with this and have learned a lesson from it.

Project evaluation

what went well: In my opinion the out come of what i produced was way better than i would of thought it would of been. And that i have learnt this project how to read a chord chart and some music theory like the wheel of 5ths and there is only 12 notes in music.

What went wrong: I should of taken more of my spare time to be able to understand to use the electronic software and get used to the song that we made in my band in college.

What i could do next time: I could with spending my own time so i can catch up to things and learn things faster as that was my main problem. Also just some more general practicing as i have noticed ive not progressed much either.

Authenticity statement: I confirm that the attached assessment is all my own work and does not include any work completed by anyone other than myself and sources have been appropriately referenced.