Song, vocal, stage performance, Guitar tones and music theory progress

I was going to do each of the subjects titled above in different sections pages on my website but i thought it would be easier for me and the examiner as they would only have to come here to see my weekly progress and i also wouldn’t have to edit 3 different videos for each week.

Week 1:

what went well: The video had good quality and the idea of editing was informal but somewhat entertaining and not completely boring. Good use of screen recording to describe in more detail. Pronunciation was clear and loud.

what went wrong: Sometimes not explaining things a directly making it hard to understand keep up with what I’m saying. I also used the wrong screen recording which messed up my editing a lot.

what to do better next time. Make sure I’m using the right screen recording so it don’t have to edit the video a tonne making me more time efficient. If I go of track with an explanation then just restart what I was talking about. Also maybe try Cut out more gaps from when I’m not talking, it should make it more pleasurable to watch.

week 2: I’m not even taking the mick, I don’t know why I didn’t do a week 2 video but I had a lot of issues like trying to get. Wait I remember ,I went to a mates gig and then came back to my house with 10 mates and was immobilised for 2 days after and then also the amp that I bought was broke and I also had some issues getting my recordings over from my phone to my mac so yeah had some good reasons but lessons learnt don’t party like Freddie mercury if you can’t afford it.

week 3:

What went well: The video is a lot better structured this time with no huge or minor editor mistakes and has a more clear sense of direction. Confident and well spoken and is easy to listen to and not so boring.

What went wrong: Still need to work on fumbling and rambling as i easily go off track or stumble over my words. I also had to do this video 3 times! 1st time was because i unplugged my computer with out saving my screen recording so, 2nd time i was trying to make space on my phone and accidentally deleted the video i recorded and then the 3rd time was successful.

What to do better next time: I need to be careful and better planned when I’m doing these videos as I’ve wasted a lot of time doing simple mistakes but at this point i’ve learnt my lesson. Also need to try better at remembering when I’ve fumbled my words and re doing what I’ve said so my explanations are more clear.

Song evaluations:

Grace: At the start my guitar bends were out of time and sometimes for the 1st verse chords i’m to slow., My voice needs to be more dynamic too and have a stronger and deeper flow of words. Some places my voice cracks too so i need to work on them too. And obviously need to work on the last vocal solo of the song which i”m going to dissect every 2 seconds and listen how Jeff Buckley is doing it and just keep practicing until i’m getting somewhere with it. But i think i have a good dynamic with it and a good tone i just need to work on making it less strained and stronger.

My iron lung: Still Need to learn some parts of this song still, like learning the structure of the long sustained ambient notes i’m playing at the start and also some of the other things, in this video I’m kinda just winging it as i just learn it on that day and it was very late at night and was re doing this whole video because i accidentally deleted it as i explained. But yeah could get use to getting more familiar with the chord shapes for this song and also working on the structure more.

Friday night Im in love:

My hero: Did really well with this song this time, the intro note was spot on timing and for the mass majority of the song was playing the lead riff on time and precisely. Still keep messing up on the chorus harmony chords and somehow my brain has completely forgot the heavy chords for the bridge that goes then into the chorus

Heart shaped box: Timing is good, sometimes… but overall not too bad to say i learnt it on the same day of recording, the bends could be look at more as they just sound a bit annoying to me. The solo needs practicing more as the pull offs and bends don’t sound right.

Little wing:

week 4:

What went well: keeping eye contact with the camera instead of looking away which is something I’ve been working on.

What went wrong: Tried to learn Friday I’m in love the day before band practice making me have too much stress on myself and not giving myself enough time to do it. Keep going off track when I’m speaking and looping around what I’m trying to say. Still need to learn little wing

What to do better next time: Need to stop hanging out with friends and getting work done before hand. Also need to stop getting scammed.

Song evaluations:

Grace: Still doesn’t sound so great and not hitting notes correctly. Although the timing of the melody is pretty spot on and the guitar was a lot better timed this time. Need to working on my vocal dynamics and tone more. The last vocal solo was not great, but has definitely improved and I’m starting to be able to somewhat sing it.

Heart shaped box: Need to working on getting more gain with my voice for this song as it doesn’t sound as screamy as I want it to be. I’m not playing too off Time too which is good as it’s way more difficulty for me to be on time whilst singing, though I was slightly dragging for the solo.

Go with the flow:

My iron lung: Need to work on remember those ambient notes more and try make them smooth as possible. Got the vocals going this time tho and will be a good addition for the rehearsals. I need to work on the vocals for the last chorus too and just working on the strcutre for my parts of this song in general.

My hero: Not too bad, just miss timed some of the breakdown parts and played the wrong notes before the bridge.

Little wing:

I no longer made any videos after week 4 as I was so focused on learning Little Wing and working on the other songs for the band. The video’s took really long to make and edit and I kept making mistakes in the process that slowed me down a lot so I decided to stop making the videos.