Stage presence, Song research, & equipment

Stage presence

These pictures are some examples of what i want to do with little wing, mainly playing behind my head, back and one handed.



Equipment: Michael Tighe is using a black Fender Telecaster in the Neck position and a Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier Trem-O-Verb Combo Amp. He has also apparently mentioned in an interview him and Jeff use an Electro Harmonix Big Muff pi, I’m guessing that’s how he got the heavy tone for this song. Below is a website that i found the equipment information for Michael Tighe.

Research & other information: guitar will need to be in drop d for this song as thats how it is tuned for this song. And i think ill just need a distortion pedal for this song as it not a mega complicated tone and could get it easily with a distortion pedal which i’ve already got. I do have a telecaster but i don’t think ill bring it as i want to bring less gear as possible to make my life easier about when i’m performing and less things to remember.

The man who sold the world Nirvana MTV version

Equipment: Kurt used an Acoustic D-18 and used only the bartolini 3av middle single coil pickup. Though you can see on the neck and bridge the DeArmond Rowe Dynasonic pickups they are not in the circuit as kurt wired the middle single coil bartolini pickup directly to the output jack, hooked to a Fender twin reverb, Boss DS-2 with an electro Harmonix small clone chorus pedal.From the video below i found out that Kurt actually used a fender twin reverb amp hidden as a monitor amp with a black sleeve over the amp as MTV wanted to keep the classic Acoustic MTV look, used a boss DS-2 Turbo distortion and didn’t use either the neck and bridge pickups but just a single coil hidden in the middle of the acoustic hole and was directly wired to the output jack.

other information: The song is performed in drop half step tuning . Kurt Cobains Martin D-18E sold on June 2020 for 6 million dollar. For the MTV show there was only 1 original song “come as you are” and the rest 16 songs where covers as kurt Cobain wanted to prove he wasn’t just a grudge rocker and a proper artist and be seen as a writer instead.

My hero

Equipment: Epiphone casino guitar or a Dave Grohl DG-335. Both similar but the casino has p90 pickups and the DG-335 has hum buckers which is more probably what they used for this song as hum buckers are a more rocky pickup. I couldn’t find the exact gear as there isn’t much information about it but the amp and pedal he probably used was a Mesa-boogie dual rectifier with a pro co rat distortion pedal. and a Vox AC30’s for clean tones from what i read on the online forums and the website below.

My iron lung

Equipment: Ill be focusing on the rhythm guitarist Ed o Brian’s gear for this song, as Isobel wanted to do the lead for this song and Lacey is doing Thom Yorke’s rhythm part as its easier and can focus on singing more. Ed used the Plank ED1 Custom Electric Guitar (but got stolen) often for this song with a H eet Sound EBow to get those long sustained notes and a Crowther Hot Cake distortion pedal hooked up to an Vox AC30.

Research & other information: may have to acquire an E-bow because i wont be able to get those sustained, quiet clean tones unless i use loads of overdrive but that would be too loud and if have to be in the right spot of the stage to get the feedback properly, it would also be really hard to time the feedback but i will test this.

Friday Im in love

Equipment: I cannot find the lead guitarist for this song because the cure have had many lead guitarist changes, from what i’ve found it’s either Robert smith the main vocalist & guitarist or most likely Porl Thompson as he was on the record for this song as lead guitarist. Robert is commonly seen with a Schecter UltraCure guitar, Roland JC-120 Jazz Chorus amp setup. I cant find what pedals where used on the track as you cant see any in live performances or information of what they used on the track online but ill show the ones that are found on his pedal board and probably used for this track.

Research & other information: the track was recorded in D major, the commercially released version sounds a quarter-tone higher (halfway between D and E-flat) due to Smith forgetting to disengage the vari-speed function on the multi-track recorder after toying with it before the final mixing process took place. When played live, the song is performed in its original intended key as opposed to the pitch discrepancy heard on the record. Boss SD-1 Super OverDriv, Boss BD-2 Blues Driver, Zoom 505 Guitar.

Little wing Stevie Ray Vaughan live version

Stevie at lorelei, Germany 1984

Equipment: Stevie was a very picky guitar player and constantly changed gear and mainly amps so i’m only going to disclose what i can see in the live recording as i’m trying to replicate that tone from the live show. Stevie used a 1959 Fender Strat, Dumble steel string slinger, fender super reverb, Vox wah pedal, Ibanez tube screamer TS808, fender vibratone. Below is all the video sources to get the information i talked about above.

Research & other information: A main effect in this amazing live performance was Stevie’s vibratone (picture below) or also known as a Leslie speaker. The Leslie speaker came out in 1937 and then fender made there version of it in 1967. It’s assentally is a 1×12 cabinet that in front of the speaker has this spinning wheel in front of it and thats how the swooshing sound it makes . Now people normally use a uni vibe which is suppose to replicate what a vibratone does just in a pedal format which is something i might invest in but I’m also just thinking of using my phaser pedal as a Tremelo pedal for that effect.

Ive made a planner thats on my desk in my studio where i am often at home with all the things i need to remind me to complete for each week of the project in detail.

Equipment: Not 100% what stuff Troy van Leeuwen used for this accept that he uses a les Paul int the bridge position. I sounds like either a muff pedal being used lightly or hes turned the tone knobs down as the tone he has is dark but still bright at the same time. Live it doesn’t sound like he uses a Tremelo pedal of some sort but on the recording it sure does sound like hes using one slightly. But he could be just doing the Tremelo with his fingers. And i can hear a long hall reverb of some sort but nobody knows as this band were secretive about what pedals and gear they used for this album of song for the dead.

Equipment: Below i linked to a video about something i never knew about, that kurt used a special Veleno metal guitar, kurt also had a special Marshall that had been modded too. But kurt commonly used a boss DS-1 and that modded Marshall plexi that was found in the trash due to a blown transformer. Sounds like he probably used a boss DM-2 delay pedal which he’s seen used too. The guitar is un known of what he used in the recording of this song but in the music video he’s seen using a Univox Hi-Flier.