Initial ideas

Do a live rock cover performance in front of a live public audience at a live gig venue, like a bar, or venue as a band, i would like to do 7 songs, but at least 5 but i need to see what my band group will agree on. I don’t intend on getting payed but getting peoples minds blown.

Improving my voice, like learning to control my vibrato, head and chest voice and having more power and range with my voice, and learning how to sing lyrics better and be more dynamic with singing them.

learning a decent amount of music theory for guitar, the main things i want to learn are all the notes on the guitar, and learning the major and minor scales, then learning how to play songs in different keys. Including knowing off by heart the E,A,G,B,D,C,F chords.

Doing a better performance than last year and seeing how I can improve myself as a performer like my stage performance as a guitarist and singer. This means analysing last years performance and seeing what I think i need to improve on and focusing on that.

Learn how to play the drums well so i can know the instrument better and be a better musician all round.

Improving myself as a lyricist so i can transcribe my feelings, opinions and overall my self as a person better in a song as i am struggling to paint a good picture in words with writing lyrics and they also at times don’t make sense.