
My name is Clarke and I play electric and acoustic guitar and like to dabble in a. bit of singing. Ive been playing acoustic for 2 year and electric for 4 years and I’m mostly self taught with attending only 5 guitar lessons. I specialise mostly on guitar but in the future are looking forward to also learning bass, drums and piano. My inspiration of picking up guitar was watching the Bohemian Rhapsody film and then quickly after my grandad giving me a Brain May red special guitar so I had a lucky start. My other main music inspirations are Stevie Ray Vaughan, Jeff Buckley and Queens of the Stone Age. I’ve now moved to being a solo musician to build up skills of singing, playing guitar and singing, to build up speed in learning songs and learning lots chords and learning how to be a performer and entertain a crowd.

I specialise in and mainly focus on guitar, but in the future I am looking forward to also learning drums, piano and bass because I want to expand my instrument musical knowledge as much as possible so I can create songs my own way. Im also wanting to learn music theory and want to know how to learn songs fast as I hate learning songs as they take me days to even learn a simple song.