social media research

4 important types of advertising: the product appeal, advertising message, advertising media selection and advertising effectiveness research.

in the process of making an advert should include 4 important types. First the product appeal is the attitude of the group targeting towards to a particular product or brand is importance to study the consumer behaviour. Moreover advertising message is really effective to attract the audience, the goal to achieve a really good advertising message is to be clear and concise. avoiding meandering and wordy statements an example is ” i can find anyone’s email address” its clear who the audience will be with a simple sentence. Also in advertising there are six strategies that are commonly used :emotional, unique selling proposition, positioning , generic, brand image and preemptive.

advertising media selection is basically determined by a number of factors such as number of viewers, readers, listeners, characteristics of audience education, income family size or relative cost of various media. media selection helps advertiser to find which type of media to be used. Additionally the advertising effectiveness is the method to measure if the ads of a company are targeting the right audience. it measures if the ads have any successful influence on the target audience.

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