At the end of this look I was happy with what I had done but a few things could have gone better. When I used the sculpt gel it was my first time using it and I think I need more practice with using it. I also encountered some issues when doing the makeup for example when I was doing the red on the cheek it came out too much so I changed it and used setting powder to help dull it down. I also think I could have done with putting more red around the cut to create the irritation of the cut. But other than them things that could have gone better i also like how i did the bruise around the eyes and made the eyes look sunken in a bit, I like how i have used various colours to create the sunken eyes, for example i used purple, blue, red and a bit of yellow. I also like how i created the lips so it added more effect to being ill. Overall, i really liked how the look turned out and i was proud with what i have done.