Yesterday we learnt how to create bruises that were new and ones that were old. To create the new bruises there was a lot more red, purple and blue involved to it had looked like the bruise was newly done and the person had just been punched or something. Where as the older bruise involved a lot more yellow to create the image that the bruise was healing and that it had happened a while ago. We also learnt how to create scars and how to create wounds. To create the wounds we were using scar wax to form the shape of the wound and we also used a sculpting tool to smooth out the edges of the wound to make it look more realistic. After the edges were smoothed out we needed to add some red tones around it to create the look that it is sore and this wound had just happened. After that looked okay you then went in with fake blood to bring the whole look together.
To create these you would need sculpting tools, bruise gel, bruise wheel, illustrator palette, ipa, wound filler, cotton buds, Deremshield, calodian, scar wax, translucent powder, stipple sponge and special effect brushes. Using these products we were shown how to create the wounds and scars and the bruises and what colors to use to create the best outcome of the look.
We also learnt about what a bruise, scar and scrape/graze is. A bruise happens when a part of the body is injured and blood from the damaged capillaries (small blood vessels) leak out. As the wound heals and the blood breaks down, the color’s begin to change. Bruise’s can form quickly when the injuries are close to the skin. when there is swelling in a bruise it is caused by the blood that leaks into areas under the skin and the blood looses oxygen.

when a scar occurs it is because a mark is left on the skin after a wound or injury has healed. Typically, when the skin is broken, blood vessels are damaged, and the initial color of the scar becomes red or a red-purple due to the increase blood flow to the area. overtime, the darker reds will fade and can appear more pink. sometimes, the melanin producing melanocyte cells (pigment-producing cells) are damaged, so the scar never returns to the natural color of the skin.

A scrape (abrasions) wound is where your skin has been rubbed or torn off. Most scrapes do not go deep into the skin, but some may remove several layers of skin. A graze (or abrasion) is a scraping or rubbing away of the skin.