We learned how to do breaking down and dirtying down to learn a key skills on how to create bruises and making someone look ill. We did this so we were able to create the desired character affects that were needed. We also did this so we could create the affect of someone looking tired and ill. The reason we did this was so we know how to create the different looks that may be needed to do the briefs we were given.
I feel that it went okay but it could have gone better, I could have made around the eyes a bit darker than I did it.
This links to my project because I will need to possibly make someone look a lot more tired or look like they are ill.
I would like to develop on how i can improve on making under the eyes a bit more darker so therefore the character will look more tired and ill.
I am going to improve this by practicing the skill more so i can experiment with different color’s and how they go together and what color’s look a lot more realistic.
The way I am going to do this is using a bruise wheel so i can get the desired colors needed to make the characters look tired or ill or dead. I feel like using a bruise wheel to create the effect that you go for is the best way to do that.