
First idea.

This is my first idea as well as the only idea i have for a chord structure and melody. I took inspiration from Weird fishes by Radiohead to get that finger picking melody and i think it sounds good. I used 9th chords which made it sound nice. To improve i need to create more parts and a melody.

Messing with ideas.

Here I play the same chords just on piano. I play the E note as a pedal note which i think sounds really good. I still need to work on other melodies and other sections. I also need to work on seeing how the guitar and piano would sound together by recording one of them and playing with the recording.

Making melodies.

Here I make another section/ melody which I am planning to be the introduction/verse section. I feel like there could be more added to it and I would like to add a bigger and more full section that comes in the end. I also need to work on a smooth transition to the other sections as the transition was a bit sloppy.

Potential structure

This part of the song would come at the end of the song whilst the other sections have layered up. I like it because it includes the melody of the second section but in a chord form and I think it sounds really good. I just need to work on blending it all together, since I think the start of this sounds a bit cheesy.

+ drum and bass of end of song

Here we were just working on drums and bass for the last part of the song. The drums still need working on to keep in time but the bass I really like (which Albert played). I also like the drumbeat because its quite like Weird fishes. I think to improve all we need to do is make sure the drums stay in time and keep being consistent. The piano part in this section is also really good and with guitar and singing I think it will sound amazing.