
For my song i have used the chords A, C and D which are all major chords that could fit in the keys of :

  • C Major
  • F major
  • G Major
  • B Flat Major
  • A Minor
  • G Minor
  • D Minor
  • E Minor

This means that i could compose a melody over the top of those chords using a scale from any one of those keys and it would work. However because i am trying to make a song that is inspired by Radiohead, i might want to break those rules slightly, which is what Radiohead do to give some of their songs a unique sound.

Music: Practice & Theory Stack Exchange. (n.d.). theory – What is the name of the scale containing A, Bb, C#, D, E, F? [online] Available at: [Accessed 14 Mar. 2023].‌

This website helped me figure out the scale i was using for when i was playing melodies. I looked up what scale i would be using when i played the notes A# , Bb, C , D , E and F. The website says the scale i would be using is the D natural minor scale.

It says:

That looks like a mode of the D harmonic minor scale. D natural minor is D, E, F, G, A, B-flat, C, D. The harmonic minor has a raised seventh degree, so D, E, F, G, A, B-flat, C-sharp, D. If you specifically want the fifth mode of D harmonic minor (starting on A), that is usually called the Phrygian dominant scale, spelled A, B-flat, C-sharp, D, E, F, G.