Researching Music Therapy

As we are performing our music to a dementia care home I feel it is best to do research about how it affects dementia patients and how music is good for them.

What is dementia?

[1] ‘Dementia is a syndrome (a group of related symptoms) associated with an ongoing decline of brain functioning. There are many different causes of dementia, and many different types.’

‘Dementia symptoms may include problems with:

  • memory loss
  • thinking speed
  • mental sharpness and quickness
  • language, such as using words incorrectly, or trouble speaking
  • understanding
  • judgement
  • mood
  • movement
  • difficulties doing daily activities’

How is music good for dementia patients?

There is no solid evidence that music helps dementia patients however there’s a lot of research that have discovered that there are a few underlying mechanisms, such as:


  • ‘Music can trigger emotions, something that may promote the creation of new neurons in the brain and help improve memory and mood in people with dementia.
  • Music activates the brain’s reward system and releases dopamine, a neurotransmitter that may help reduce age-related cognitive and motor function decline.
  • Music can reduce stress and help regulate the immune system, which may reduce the rate of neurodegeneration in dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.’

This means that even if it doesn’t fix dementia, it helps patients feel slightly better and feel almost normal again as it sooths their brain almost.

[1] NHS (2023). What is dementia. [online] Available at:

[2] Healthline. (2023). Is Music Therapy Used for Dementia Treatment? [online] Available at: