Here we are recording the drums. This was only the first take of the recording but we actually used a second take we did. Originally Ollie was supposed to be playing the drums but because he was late for college I asked Lewis to ply them for me. It isn’t exactly the type of drums that i wanted but they have grown to me.

Both me and Albert did the sound checks and making sure the levels were right for the drum recording.
Here i recorded the bass and it only took one try. I had Albert play the bass for me. We used both a DI to record and a microphone so it sounds better.

This was the electric guitar setup but i didn’t end up getting a photo of the acoustic. guitar of piano set up. For those we used 2 condenser mics, one of the left of the piano and one for the right. For the acoustic one of the mics was over the fretboard and the other was over the bride.

For this i was just strumming the same two stings to build up the song. It only took 1 take as it wasn’t exactly complicated.

We used snowball mic with a pop cover to get rid of any popping sounds.
Recording the vocals was harder than recording anything else as it was Lacey’s first time being in the studio and recording music. This meant she was nervous as well as not fully knowing the melody because we had only finished writing the lyrics the day before. We did 4 takes of the vocals and even then they could be improved.