Project Evaluation

I really enjoyed the jazz side to this project. I feel like personally it has helped build my guitar and theory skills by a lot which has made me feel more confident in music. I also really enjoyed playing jazz, learning new chord shaped and chords in general and will absolutely be incorporate these chords into songs I make in the future. I also really enjoyed giving back to the community and healing people souls with the music I play and I would absolutely do it again.

I also enjoyed the work placement and it taught me some really interesting things about the music business and industry. I would definitely want to do a work placement again but maybe somewhere different so that I get more connections and experience in the actual music world.

Even though I found doing the university research boring, it was very helpful and needed to be done so that I knew exactly what I wanted to go on to study, and where I wanted to study at. In the end it gave me a few more options of where to go to from before and now have more places to go to if I don’t get into my first choice of University. I will also carry on doing research about Universities.

Overall this was a really fun and interesting project which was filled with tones of information about real world experiences and professionalism in music and I would definitely do this project again .