Project evaluation

This project was a fairly good project. I really enjoyed being the event manager as it meant I got to be in charge of what happened in the showcase, with the help from my classmates. I would absolutely do this project again however i would have to pick who does what next time as I feel a lot of people didn’t participate in the event planning side as much as they could have/should have.

I did find that some parts of the project were quite stressful. Mainly the worrying about the performance itself as a lot of people got poorly 2 weeks before the showcase which meant we missed out on a lot of rehearsal time.

I also feel like we didn’t get taught properly on how to actually event manage and plan, which i think caused a lot of people to not try as hard in the project. It felt like by the end of the project it was just me and Kaitlyn doing all of the work as well as Nic having to take over.

I think the project would have gone a lot better if we were able to do the things we had originally planned, like a fog machine and wristbands, but both those things couldn’t happen. From our original ideas of making it 10X better than the last showcase, it definitely felt like it was not much better.

I did really enjoy the performing part of the project though, i love to perform in front of people and make people happy through music and i am looking forwards to performing more throughout the year.