Project evaluation

This project was definitely my favourite project despite having little time to complete it. I really enjoyed composing and songwriting but less enjoyed the recording and mixing. However, with the help and collaborations with other people, the project seemed to run somewhat smoothly.

The development of the song itself was easy and fun because i’m used to making and composing little tunes and songs, meaning i already had a few idea’s to start off with in the first place. The only problems i had with it were the drums and lyrics. The lyrics were definitely the hardest to come up with because i have never wrote lyrics before. I found coming up with ideas for lyrics hard because i struggled to come up with a theme. Once i came up with a theme i had to use AI to come up with certain ideas for lyrics which i thought really helped. After the song was completed all i had to do was record and mmix, however the problem with this was that there were only 3 weeks left and i also had to practice the cover songs for the final performance. This meant that I was in a rush to get things done which is wear things started to go wrong.

After i recorded to song, which went quite smoothly, i had to juggle doing my digital space work on mixing my song at the same time. On the second to last week i accidentally deleted all of my menus which made me very stressed and made me have less time to mix than i originally did, so it was rushed. I think the mix could have been so much better if i had more time and could work on the own time scale.

For the collaborations i worked with:

  • Ollie
  • Albert
  • Lewis
  • Lacey
  • Eric

Ollie helped come up with a baseline and drums, however because he didn’t turn up to lesson on recording day so Lewis had to pay the drums and Albert had to play the bass, which didn’t end up too bad. Lacey was my main partner in this as she sang the vocals and helped with the making of the lyrics. Eric helped me with the mixing process and taught me how to pitch correct vocals, which definitely helped a lot.

I would 100% do this again, but i would make sure i kept better time management to insure i have enough time to mix and master the song. I think if i make a song in my own time it could definitely sound better than Cherry’s Star so i will definitely be trying to get better at songwriting over the summer. I’m looking forwards to coming back after the summer and start playing in bands and recording again. However i hope during the summer me and my friends can have some jam sessions and make a few songs together for fun. I will also keep practising guitar and keyboard once i buy a keyboard. I would really love to create song and to release them so people can enjoy what i made, that is the dream.