Project evaluation

For this project i was back and forth with enjoying it or not. I enjoyed recording and mixing my song but having the compose a song by myself was stressful.

Personally, i would definitely record, produce and mix a song again, enjoyed working with the other band to record their song and also enjoyed working with the mixing desk. I didn’t like setting up the mics however as i found it quite complicated to know which mic goes where. So i would definitely work on the recording part again in the future.

I feel i would have enjoyed composing a song if i had more time, however i really liked the final outcome of my song. I will definitely do this again, since i’m making my own song by myself for the final project as i do enjoy creating and composing music.

Overall, even though i found the project quite stressful, i would definitely do it again as i enjoy learning new things about music and i enjoy getting better at music.