For my presentation I think I did okay. I got positive feedback from the other students, saying that it had a good amount of detail and presented well. I agree with those students but I personally think my nerves got ahead of me and I ended up missing a few important points in my presentation.
With the PowerPoint itself I feel like I included a good amount of detail about the Muse concert itself. I talked about all the points that were needed however I think I could work on technical language within my PowerPoints.
For me presenting the PowerPoint in front of the class I feel I didn’t do well. I stumbled up on words and ended up missing points from my presentation. In the future I would like to work on getting more confident when speaking in front of a group of people. To do this I will try better to talk to more people in order to not mess up on my words.
Overall I think for a first presentation I did well, I included all the necessary points needed without including too little or too much information.