Mapping the assets

This is a map that shows all of the music in Bradford. This incudes venues, music shops, music lessons and recording studios. This map is slightly out of date and needs updating as there are a quite a lot more venues in Bradford that hasn’t been put on. The map is a really great place to explore where and how you can find music, especially if you are wanting to reach out the venues to play gigs.
The website you can find this on also shows what the play music project is. about (which includes Bingley music town), where to find up and coming events, groups to join to talk about music and performance and all the workshops in Bradford that you can go to.
Music local to me

Local to me there aren’t too many places to find live music. We have a few pubs about that sometimes put on a pub band for special events but there are no proper venues. We have the two schools close by that hold music lessons and put on performances, which is what i took part in when i was in high school. I am lucky enough to have a place that does guitar lessons in the next village over which is where i went to learn guitar, that same place now does weekly meet ups for jam sessions. I feel like as a village we do alright musically but for me to find a place to play or buy musical things i would have to travel in the city or further.
[1] Play Music Project (no date) Available at: (Accessed: 28 November 2023).