

Here are all the instruments I used, because there are so many of them I put all the drums into a stack, all the instruments into a stack and all the vocals into a stack all of them at once.


The structure of the song is split up into 5 sections, the first section being the intro and first verse, the second being the instrumental chorus, the third section being the second verse, the fourth being the bridge and the fifth being the last chorus and ending.

acoustic EQ
Bass EQ
Kick EQ
Piano EQ
Piano EQ

For all the EQ’s I didn’t really know what I was doing, I just puled the frequencies up where I thought they needed to be pulled up, but it made all the instruments sound fuzzy and too much bass frequencies. So my tutor helped change them and they can be seen in the screenshots of the plugins.

bus for reverb

I created a bus for reverb which meant it was easier to add reverb to other instruments because I could just put them all under the same bus. I then made 3 other buses for different reverbs and effects.

panning and automation

This was just the first attempt of automation and panning but it got changed quite soon after because there wasn’t enough dynamics and it felt too similar all the way through the song.

electric guitar plug ins
2nd electric guitar plugins
vocals plugins
main vocals plugins
vocals compressor
vocals 2nd compressor
2nd vocals compressor
2nd vocals 2nd compressor

I put a compressor on all the instruments but these are only the vocals. I used 2 compressors to do 2 separate things, one was to bring the attack down and the release up and the other did the opposite. This made the vocals sound better and more full.

panning and automation

This is the updated version of the panning and automation and you can see where I have created the track stacks.

pitch quantisation
pitch quantisation

I had to pitch correct all the vocals because most of it was slightly out of tune because of how nervous lacey was when we recorded it. I had to drag each single note to the correct pitch and lower all the vibrato without it sounding too robotic.