
Cherry Stars lyrics

I’ve named the piece cherry stars to start off with, since i dont know what im going to name the song yet. The lyrics so far are:

Lay down, lay down with me

Lay down, underneath the cherry tree

I can see the reflection

of the stars in your eyes

I’ve chosen these lyrics to start because I want my lyrics to tell a story, at first I wanted them to be different from a normal pop song, fitting very much into the Radiohead style type of lyrics, but I’ve found its much easier to write cliché lyrics.

The first time that i saw you

the stars shone so brightly

i wish we could lay here

for a while, look to eternity

This is the next verse, i kept it short and simple like i said and i think it is quite Radioheady.

you may say i’m beautiful but i know, i know

you belong here in my arms

the night sky, a canvas to see underneath the tree

i’ve lost myself, i’m lost in time

la la la la (repeated)