
For project one we are going to be co-ordinating a live musical performance whilst contributing to the performance and management of the event. This includes designing, planning, promoting and executing the event in an effective way.

My role for this project is event manager. Event managers for live music are the people who organise the whole event and organise what their team does. They help promote and manage the show making sure everything goes to plan. This includes; setting a budget, identifying target audience, booking artists and a venue, setting a date and organising tickets, promoting the event, designing the set and making sure your team is organised and doing their job.

In this project I will also be performing in the showcase, I will be playing the guitar and will be performing 3-4 songs with the extended course students. In the showcase I will. also be making sure everything is running smoothly, making sure lighting is correct, stage setup is correct and also the sound. If anything is going wrong it will be on me and my team to figure out where the problem is and how to fix it to make sure the show runs smoothly and on schedule.

Project 5- Collaborative project feedback

For my final project last year i got a distinction. This means i had a comprehensive understanding and knowledge of subject context, I independently identified, thorough and sustained research and investigation of a range of relevant sources, I had an in depth understanding of aesthetic awareness, imaginative and flexible processes and I had an accomplished and professional communication of perspective analysis and interpretation, demonstrating clarity in my work.

I did a really good job at context, my “proposal process was clear and developmental” meaning i had a clear understanding of what i needed to do to be able to accomplish my final goal (releasing a song). I also did a really good job with practical skills as i demonstrated how i composed my own song including writing lyrics, developing artwork, recording, mixing and mastering the track. I agree with Nick when he says the album cover doesn’t fully fir the song and next time i make a song i will do more research as to how to create a cover more relative to the song.

I didn’t however do as much of a good job with research as some of it wasn’t fully correct and factual and i could have definitely done more research and used Harvard referencing with everything.

Altogether though, i did a very good job and got a distinction is context, research, practical skill and evaluation and reflection, giving my a distinction overall.