
Our aim for project 2 is to create 3 different compositions by using different methods. It is to be able to understand and explore a variety of approaches and techniques for composition and arranging.

The first composition is songwriting within a band. This will help improve teamwork and learn how to work together to create a piece of music. We will learn some theory to be able to understand how to create a song an how songs are put together.

The second composition is electronic music, working individually on Ableton Live. This will help us understand the software so that we can decide which software we like to use to create music on. We will be learning different production techniques in order to learn how to create an electronic song.

The third composition is games music for the game Undertale. We will be using Logic Pro to create the piece. We will be learning synthesis to be able to understand how waves create different sounds and how that can create music.It will be heavily focused on 8bit music.

Project 1 feedback/ project 2 goals:

I have achieved an overall grade of good in project 1 and now have a more knowledge to be able to get grade excellent in this project. I will work on being more efficient with research in order to achieve a better grade as it will have good points to backup my work.

I will also work on how to use different strategies to be able to improve musically, like different ways to learn music and how to improve my technical skills on an instrument. I will also work on my piano techniques as it will work well in order to create songs and compositions.

I also need to learn how to attach links onto my digital space in order to fully backup my work and research, including websites, tabs and youtube videos. Also be more critical with my evaluations and analysis.