Initial ideas

  • Live performance- Cover 3 songs or compose 1 song (in a band or individually) and perform them at the live showcase at the end of the project. More specifically in the genre of indie rock, including bands like Radiohead and Arctic monkeys.
  • Create own sounds/ record sounds from real life to create a song with natural elements in. For example collect sound samples when i go to Italy and include those in a composition. Or use synthesis on a keyboard to create my own sounds and create music with those sounds.
  • Produce someone else’s song– Use another students song that they have created and produce it by mixing it and recording it for them. Do this by helping setting up the recording studio (setting up mics) and then recording their song for them and then afterwards mixing it to make it sound professional.
  • Compose a video game soundtrack– choose a video game scene and compose the music for that scene. For example, picking a horror game and composing a chilling and tense piece of music to fit over a scary scene from it (aka The last of us).
  • Compose a movie soundtrack– choose a movie scene and compose the music for that scene. For example, picking a fantasy movie and compose a mystical soundtrack for a certain part of the movie (aka Avatar).
  • Compose and release a single (individually or in band). Work with others to create a indie rock piece of music inspired by Radiohead and record, produce and publish it including art work and possibly a music video.
  • Create artwork and a music video for another students song/composition. Use another students project and create the artwork for it (artist logo, album cover etc) and then create a music video for them as well.
  • Create a Tiktok account– record everything whilst composing, coming up with ideas, working with people, production, mixing, artwork etc and publish it on Tiktok and possibly gain a following so when the final song is released it gets more listens and get a higher following for ay other projects.