Initial idea

Initial idea

My initial idea is to do 2 separate performances. One of my performances i will be working towards is a 2, 45 minute set (an hour and a half) in which i will be playing the acoustic guitar and Faye (in the 1st year) will be singing. The songs that I will be playing will all be rock, indie and pop songs that everyone knows so that it will be a fun time for the audience. With the amount of time that I have, this will be a bit of a challenge but I am wanting to push myself to be able to prepare myself for university and to start gigging more regularly. As Nic says in the video, it might be difficult to be able too get a gig when the end of project is only in a few months and so instead of my final outcome being that I have played a gig, it’s to make sure I am ready to play with a gig booked, wether it is before the end of the project or after.

My second performance will be in a college band and covering 3-5 songs to be able to play at the end of college showcase. These songs will mostly be rock songs and I will be playing the guitar as both rhythm and lead depending on the song.

I feel in the video I executed what my initial idea is fairly well however I definitely needed to think more into what I would need to do to accomplish doing 2 different performances. The next steps I need to do are thinking of potential challenge and ways around them.

Things I need to do:

  • Research about how and where to get a gig
  • Research theory on guitar so that I can find different ways to play the same song so that it makes it more interesting
  • Research how to keep the audience engaged
  • research setlist
  • come up with timetable for time management
  • start learning songs
  • rehearsals with band and singer
  • record videos of precticing and rehearsals
  • eveluate videos
  • work on artwork (band logos)
    • book a gig