How to write lyrics?

This video basically explains that to write lyrics is similar to writing poetry, and to include metaphors and descriptive words in your lyrics. It also helps if you view your song as a story, to let the listeners feel the emotions of the lyrics like they would if they were reading a book. To write lyrics, especially as a beginner, it also helps to be limited and not go too far, I took this to heart as I have never written lyrics before and in my case, the simpler the better so that the words weren’t confusing.

(1) Another way to write lyrics would to just say what you feel, write down words that you want in your song, including themes and feelings. Once you’ve done that read lyrics from other artists, for me that was Radiohead. This will help because you will learn how songs are set up, where the choruses and verses are and what type of lyrics go with those different sections. If you write from past experiences then the lyrics can be more meaningful and close to heart, which listeners will like. What also helps is to write simple lyrics, include repetition because the longer the lyrics are, the more confusion there will be.

(1) Stolpe, A. (2016) How to Write Song Lyrics, Berklee Online Take Note. Available at: (entered on 20/05/23)