Final song & evaluation

Project 3 final song.

From the start of the process to now i feel like the song has come so far. It started off as a simple piano and guitar duo pice to now being a full song with a string arrangement as well.

I have been the one to do all of the music in the song, there was vocals but i purposefully took them out as i wanted the songs main melody to be on strings instead as i personally like the sound of piano and strings together.

There was times in the recording process where it got stressful because i was doing all of the musical work (coming up with chord progressions, coming up with melodies and playing both the guitar and piano) and i ended up messing up the ending. To fix this i faded out the ending so the mistake wasn’t noticeable, i think this made the song sound nicer and much more finished.

I feel my strengths in this song is definitely the the chord progressions. I really like the pre-chorus as it is slightly different key to the main melody and this makes the build up to the chorus sound amazing. I also think my strength is that i worked mostly alone in this project and i managed to come up with this song (which i think is very nice).

My weaknesses for this song is that i didn’t really know wha i was doing in the mixing progress and don’t know the theory behind how EQ’s work and compressors, so that is definitely something to work on. I also think i could have done a better job at both the piano and guitar parts if i had more time, but thats just me being picky.

I will now be working on improving my piano and expanding my knowledge on the theory behind the things i play as i didn’t know what key i was actually playing in until i asked Nic. I will also work on my mixing and producing skills as i quite enjoy the process of it.

Altogether i think i did quite a good job at making, recording and mixing this song as i did it mostly by myself and had less time than everyone else to do it.

If I was to do it again I would spend more time recording as I wasn’t fully happy with the piano take and I would re record the vocals again as I wasn’t happy with them.