Final project idea

Final project idea

To start of the project, i am going to create a Tiktok account under the name ‘IzzyMcMusic’ and start doing daily vlogs to record my ideas and the progress of my single i will create. I will do this as it is an easy way to record and show my progress and also could gain a following whilst doing it. This means that even before releasing my single, i could potentially have a fanbase to want to listen to my music.

My main inspiration for my music is Radiohead and i am going to make a piece of music that includes a regular band setup with weird synths in the background (inspired by OK computer) to pull it all together. It will be and indie/rock type genre.

I will be the one creating all the melodies, chord progressions, lyrics etc, however i will ask others to help with pulling off the instruments that i am not expert at. For example asking Lainnie to do the vocals and the drum teacher to do the drums. Most of the instruments will be played by me.

Once i have completed the whole song, i will work on artwork. I will do this by taking photos of something inspired by the music (possibly a photo from Italy) and i will edit it in photoshop to really work well. If i have enough time i would also like to film a music video but nothing is set in place for a music video yet.

When I’m ready to record my song, Kaitlyn will be the one recording, using the mixing desk etc. After i will be the one to produce it and mix it on logic to how i like and then i will release it for my followers that i hopefully gain on Tiktok and hope that it blows up.

By then i will have uploaded all of my Tiktoks to Digital space and evaluate what happens in each of them.