Final Performance

Final performance

Overall, I think my final performance went very well and I am very proud of my work I have done. There were many mistakes I made but I don’t think they ruined the overall performance which is really good.

The first performance, Wicked Game went really well I think. To say we had barely rehearsed it, it sounded really good and the crowd loved it, for proof my Grandma cried when we started playing the song. I think it would have been better if all of the crowd at the back wasn’t so loud and talkative as you cant really hear the music. On the stage you could barely hear the talking however my family said that you could really hear the people talking which is a shame. I would definitely perform this song with Lacey again and I think if we did it at a small open mic night where there aren’t as many people talking it would be really nice.

The Smiths performance was really good in my opinion, and the crowd absolutely loved it. Oliver did an amazing Job at interacting with the crowd and definitely made it the most memorable set. To say that we really rehearsed a few times it went so well. There were plenty of times where we made mistakes but we pulled it off fairly well. I do wish I had practiced This Charming Man maybe 2 or 3 more times as I really messed up on the choruses because they’re so hard and I ended up completely failing at the second chorus. I don’t think it made too much of an impact on the song however and people in the crowd told me they couldn’t really tell, even though to me it was a massive mistake. Overall, there weren’t really any major mistakes and I think as a band we did a really good job at communicating with each other as well as the crowd. If I got the opportunity to play bass in a Smiths cover band again, I would absolutely say yes.

Izzy and Faye did not go as well as I wanted it to at all. It took for ages for us to start playing as no one told us the guitar wasn’t actually plugged in. Once that was realized we started playing however everyone talked over Faye whilst she introduced us which is really rude and annoying but luckily on stage it wasn’t too much of a problem. After she had introduced us, when I started playing I was super loud in the drum monitor which made me barely be able to hear the singing, I tried my hardest to work past it but also since the guitar was different from the one we used in rehearsals, the strap was really low for me and made the guitar really hard to play. Along with trying to deal with that, in the middle of Starman, Lewis turned the back monitor all the way down really quickly and it really put me off as I thought that the sound had gone off and no one would be able to hear me and it made me really fumble on the chorus. Since its only me and Faye on stage, everyone could hear and see me mess up and it was quite embarrassing but I tried not to let it get to me. In the future I really need to work on being able to play whilst other distracting things are going on around me. After Starman, once I sorted out the strap, I felt a lot better and no more mistakes were made and I think we sounded really good. Faye did a good job at interacting with the crowd when she needed to however it was obvious she was nervous as she sounded quite awkward on stage, but the more she does it the easier it gets.

Crimson was definitely the best band to go on last, we worked super had on these songs and it really shows. Grace sounded so amazing on stage and to the audience, the only problem we had was the fact that Clarkes voice was really broken because of the cold he had so his voice kept cracking but I really think he pulled it off to say the least, and really got the audience engaged into the song. Heart shaped box went super well as we thought it would, however at the start my low E string was slightly out of tune so it was funny to see everyone get excited to listen to the song just for me to stop before it actually started, if it wasn’t a college showcase I think I would have felt absolutely terrified if I did that but I knew there were no hard feelings in the crowd and it actually ended up being funny. Go with the flow went well too but even after I asked if everyone was ready and we started the song, I realized I hadn’t tuned back into standard so wasn’t actually playing at the start, however I don’t think it was that noticeable sound wise that I wasn’t playing. The song did end really badly however as everyone ended at different times which was really weird. My Iron lung went really well and I finally managed to get all the pedals right which I was super proud of. I did the solo really well too which I’m also happy about as I’m not usually someone who plays lead but in this set I’ve done a lot of lead which has definitely helped my confidence a lot. I’m super proud of My Iron Lung and would absolutely perform it again. My Hero was the perfect ending to the set and I think made the whole night memorable to the crowd. We didn’t make really any mistakes in the song that I know of and we are all super proud of ourselves for it. I would absolutely perform in this bad again even after the ups and downs we had throughout the project.

Clarke unfortunately could not play little wing for the showcase because of how last minute he left the rehearsal.

Overall, the entire show was really incredible and doing at a different venue was really cool to experience.