Final performance

Final performance

For the final performance, i personally did not come out of it feeling good about what i did. I made so many mistakes that really put me down after wards. I feel the rest of the band did an extremely good job and i really let them down.

I wish started of badly as i turned my guitar down before we started playing and forgot that i had turned it down, this meant when we started playing i didn’t come in on time. Since this happened straight away i think it made my nerves skyrocket in seconds without me even realizing, causing me to make more mistakes. I also think because i turned myself up in a hurry, i turned myself up far too loud and i was just very loud on stage, to the point where i was louder than everyone else which isn’t good at all. Apart from that i didn’t really mess up on I wish.

As a band we didn’t do too bad on I wish, Robert still was messing up on his lyrics all the time which was extremely obvious too as he’s the lead singer, it could have been completed avoided if he had just learnt his lyrics. Also the whole band messed up on the second bridge, I’m not too sure what happened there.

The end was definitely the best part, we all got the stabs perfect and in unison which really pulled the song together. We also all spoke about doing the false ending before the show and we decided on stopping, then ollie doing the snare, kick, kick, snare rhythm and clicking his sticks twice and then all doing the cool funky ending. It really brought the whole thing together, and it made me really happy that we were able to do it.

Aeroplane was also a lot better as well, i feel like the energy was really there for it and it seemed like the crowd really enjoyed it as well. The intro was pulled off really well and we did a good job throughout the entire song, not making any major mistakes.

I did mess up a few times but it wasn’t too noticeable. I did a good job on the first wah section however for the second wah section i ended up not clicking the wah on fully and it sounded bad. I also don’t like that my volume is all over the place, for example in I wish i was really loud but in Aeroplane I’m quiet when i need to be louder. I think this is because of the volume on my guitar and i can definitely learn from my mistake of turning myself up too loud. My guitar solo at the end was also quite good but still could have been more technical and advanced. As a band we did really well and we didn’t make any mistakes at all.

Uptown funk was still our best song by far and the one i enjoyed playing the most, as a band i feel like we did a really good job getting the energy up and getting the crowd involved, which i think is thanks to Robert, Marcel and Amy, they did a good job with crowd participation.

There was only one major part where we messed up and that was from the transition from the chorus to the bridge, there were still some confusion about what to do there and it showed in the performance. However we pulled it together and managed to perform a really good, energized song.

I really liked the fact the crowd was having a really good time throughout our whole set and finishing it off with Uptown funk really topped it off and everyone enjoyed their time both performing and watch the show.