Final performance

Final performance

Our final performance went the best it could and we all enjoyed performing in front of a crowd and would happily do it again. We enjoyed interacting with crowd, such as us all acknowledging the crowd as we came onstage by waving or fist bumping the air. This made us look more professional to the crowd and made us look like we wanted to perform and were going to enjoy it, making the crowd enjoy the performance more.

However, mistake were still made, but at this point we knew not to worry about the mistakes and knew how to deal with them (to an extent). For example, with the switch between Where is my mind? and Island in the sun, Ollie changed his guitar but his strap fell off. This was unpredictable and unfortunate and as a band we didn’t do a great job of distracting the audience from it, in the future i feel like as a band we should have jokes or rehearsed lines to say if anything like that happens again.

I myself made a few mistakes as well, mostly prominent in the solo of the song 505 where i hit a few of the wrong notes. I however, like i might have in the past, didn’t stop playing and carries on like normal meaning my mistakes were less noticeable and giving off a more professional look.

Altogether, out performance went the best it could considering the small amount of time we had and i personally enjoyed playing in front of an audience and experiencing this with the other band members and the crowd.