Here we put all our thought and ideas into a mind map so that we had a visual representation of what we want the next showcase to be like. e discussed money, planning and logistics, marketing and promotion, lighting stage and sound, design, vendor and supplier coordination, programming, ticketing and post event evaluation. We had many ideas for each of these topics.

Here we went into further detail on some of those subjects and how to make this showcase better than the last one, which is what our main motivation. To make it better from the last, we want to work on getting better lighting, meaning programming the lights to the band’s performances. Another thing we want to change is to make it more professional by having better organisation and more services, for example; more and nicer drink selection (alcohol if we are able to get a licence), more food selection, rather than just chocolate bars and crisps, and also maybe wearing a uniform so its more clear to the audience where to go if they have questions. Also having sponsors would really benefit, for example if we could get Bradford music scene to sponsor us they could get of links and promote us more so we have more people attending the showcase.

We signed up to an website called Asana so that we could put all the tasks we need to do into a calendar so the we know what needs to be done and when it needs to be done by. For example we needed to get the logo design done for Plugged In done for the 23rd of September and we had a week to do it. Using this website is also good as we can set tasks for each other meaning we can see what they need to do.
I feel like this is a great way to organise things, especially since i’m not an entirely organised person, with the help from Kaitlyn with setting it up however i will be able to stay on track with all of the tasks i need to do.
After we did this i started working on my tasks. My first task was to Email a photography teacher in the college to ask if they are able to do the photoshoot.
Photoshoot organization

It did take me a few tries to get the email formal and with all the points i needed to get across, once i was happy with my email i had Kaitlyn and Lewis proof read it and then i sent it.
After a few days i got a reply saying she could do the photoshoots on the 2nd of October and that she was able to move equipment if needed. However she couldn’t do the photography for the showcase itself but said she would ask any other students if the wanted to.
The idea of a student doing the photography for the showcase actually appealed to me more because it meant we’re getting other students involved as well.

This is a rough sketch of the program that we will make. The front had a sketch of the poster design, plus the Bradford School of Art logo. The inside would have photos from the photoshoot, plus their band names, logo and song names. I liked this design idea as it includes a lot of information about the bands, it’s also set up nicely in the program itself. On the back i made it so that the whole class photo was on it, plus the Linktree to our website and a nice message at the end thanking everyone for coming. I really wanted the class photo on the back as it would show everyone whose in the music course in one place.

The program was slightly different as to how i designed it, which isn’t too big of a problem. The front cover is really good, we had all the logos we needed on it, even included Bradford music scene logo as they sponsored us. The inside wasn’t too good as not all the performances were on it. This is because 2 people who decided to do a solo performance told us after we had already designed and printed out the programs. The back also wasn’t how i wanted it, this is because the photoshoot photos that were taken as a whole class didn’t get sent and so we couldn’t put it on the back of the program, which upset me.
Wrist band

Me and Kaitlyn designed wristbands and printed them out on paper, 200 got printed out. We made it so that they had both logos on them which looked alright. We then spent half an hour cutting out each wristband individually using the guillotine. The only problem we had was that we didn’t have any double sided sticky tape to use so that wristbands could actually stick and become wristbands. We then ended up never being able to get any double sided sticky tape before the showcase and so couldn’t use them, which was quite upsetting. I really liked the idea of having wristbands as it meant that parents who are really proud of their kids first performance, has something physical to take from it so they can put it on their fridge or a keep safe box. I just thought it was a nice idea and was a shame that we couldn’t pull it off, which was our fault for not timekeeping well and getting the sticky tape in time.