Essay ideas

How OK Computer came to be

If i were to write an essay about how OK Computer came to be, I would go into talk about what inspired Radiohead into making the Album, how they included more of an electronic feel into their album and why they chose to do that, their time in the studio and how they wrote the songs.

The beginning of Radiohead

In this essay i would go into depth of where Radiohead began, where each member came from and their backgrounds and then how they met each other. What each members music taste is like and how that links into Radioheads music.

How OK Computer affected Thom Yorke

If i were to write about how OK Computer affected Thom i would write about how it caused his depression and how it affected him on the OK Computer tour as well as how it affected him afterwards and created his inspiration for Kid A.

The evolution of Radiohead

Where they started off, how each album changed and why they changed so drastically and the inspirations behind each album. Where each band member has ended up in the modern day, include other bands the band members have been in.