This is just a practice run to get used to Ableton Live, i have created a drum beat and have changed the velocity of the sound so each drum beat has different power. I then used a C chord and broke it up (arpeggio) before creating a melody over the chords by using the scale to keep it in key.

I have now added a bridge to the track, having a slight cool down effect, different from the original melody, however the original melody runs over the top of it, making it syncopated. I have added a sound effect at the end of the bridge so that it runs smoother into the next verse which is still being made.

This was us experimenting with sounds to create a drum rack. I searched through different samples to create a drum rack that I liked the sound of. I then dragged the samples I liked into the drum rack to the notes, meaning when I played that note, the sample I picked out would play. After I filled out the drum rack with a kick, snare, hi hat and a few other samples, I created a drum beat with the samples. Once I created the drum beat I edited it slightly and changed the velocity of the notes.

Here I had to find a sample of a drum beat and drop it into the simpler. This meant i could play the drum beat on the keys. I then sliced the drum beat so different notes were different parts of the drum beat (kick, snare, hi hat). I then created my own drum beat with the sampled drum beat.
This is the electronic piece of music i have been composing. I searched through all of the instruments and samples to found a sound i like. I came up with some chords first and then added a drum beat to it. After that I created a melody to go with it, including a counter melody and a bass line. After that i then created a new chord structure to almost break it down and build it back up. It still int completely finished as the ending needs to be perfected.
Final piece
This is my final piece for my electronic composition. It took me a while to get used to Ableton but I feel I have done an alright job at creating a track.
I feel I have composed a track that is listenable and isn’t boring. I feel for my first time using Ableton I have managed to create and interesting and almost unique track. I think I have done a good job at building certain parts up and have even included a different section which makes it more songlike. I feel I have learnt how to use Ableton much more effectively now which means I can use it in the future to create more interesting and unique sounds, tracks and songs.
I think I could have been more creative with my composition and searched for better sounds and also used some different techniques and looked more into the theory behind each sound I used. I feel I could have used more automation in this composition however I never learnt how to do it. I feel like I could have used a few more textures and possibly a different melody for the main section.
Altogether, I enjoyed using Ableton and learning how to use it and I feel if I keep using it I can get much better at creating tracks on it.