Duo Rehearsals

Half the world away-1

For our first rehearsal it didn’t go too bad, I had the general strumming patterns down and Faye did an alright job at singing. However I hadn’t learnt the chords off by heart yet and messed up on the chorus. Faye also hadn’t learnt the lyrics yet which meant she was reading off of her phone which she will have to learn not to do for an actual performance as it comes off unprofessional. I struggled slightly playing the song as I didn’t know the structure fully and how to play it in time so I will have practice playing to the song so I learn structures. Faye will also need to practice in the song in order to know how to sing it as well as learning lyrics.

Karma Police-1

As I have previously performed this song I had no trouble playing it on the guitar, just need to freshen it up more in my memory and get it to be muscle memory again as I was definitely having to think about what chords to play a lot more than I did before. Faye did a good job at singing this however she was recovering from a cold and so her voice wasn’t the strongest which is why she fumbled a bit at the end with keeping her vocals in range however she still sounded really good. We both need to just practice this song a bit more to the song.

Half the world away-2

This was our second time rehearsing Half the world away and it was much better than the first time. I had learnt the chords and practiced playing to the song so I knew the structure a lot better. Faye was still having to read the lyrics off of her phone but a lot less now which is good, as well as her vocals were a lot better. I did mess up on a few chords so need to still practice playing to the song however I had fully learnt the strumming pattern much better.

Fake plastic trees-1

This was not the best rehearsal however it was our first time rehearsing this song and its a fairly hard song to do. I really need to keep practicing this one to get the strumming and chord changes as smooth as possible as well and getting my fingers used to playing it as this song made my fingers hurt the most. Faye also really needs to work on the singing in this one, it’s a hard song to sing and she has a really good powerful voice however needs to work on falsetto and using her softer voice for this song which she will work on. We will both practice learning the song by playing a long to it and learning the structure and lyrics too.

Hey Ya!- 1

This is a cover of Hey Ya by Obadiah Parker which it is an acoustic cover of Hey Ya. This song definitely needs some work as it is a difficult song to sing as its a mix of rapping and singing which Faye isn’t used to however for a first go it wasn’t too bad at all. I did mess up on the chords a bit so will definitely be practicing it. We will both rehearse this a lot more but have decided not to do this song in the performance on the 5th of March as it will be too hard to pull off.

Fake plastic trees-2

This rehearsal was better than the last one, I had learnt the structure by practicing the song at home to the song. Faye’s vocals could definitely have some work however it is a very hard to song to sing but she is going to work on the vocals with Eric which will mean she gets additional help to improve them. The end of the song was much better than last time as I had actually known how the song ends, made it a much more finished ending rather than just a cut off.

Cigarette daydreams- 1

Both me and Faye messed up on this song slightly in one way or another, I messed up on the chords a few times, whether it was me forgetting the next chord or just not having smooth transitions. Faye did forget the lyrics closer to the start as well as needing to work on the vocals as there’s a lot of throat singing rather than chest and head voice singing which is something she needs to work on but apart from that it wasn’t a bad first rehearsal of this song, just need to learn the chords and structure properly.

Blackbird- 1

We started off using a tambourine for this song however I felt it was putting me off slightly so I asked to not use it for this time. The structure is still something we both need to work on for this song as it is a hard structure to remember, I also need to just keep practicing the entire song to make sure i get the finger picking as smooth as possible. Apart from that it was a good first rehearsal and will definitely be really good once we’ve perfected it.

6 song run through

As a whole set run through with only a few times rehearsing each of the songs we did a really good job. We messed up a few times on structure, chords and vocals but nothing too extreme that an audience would be greatly put off by. if we keep rehearsing these songs individually then when we rehearse them together we will have a pretty much perfect first quarter of the set done. I definitely need to build up the calluses on my finger though as right now after playing 6 songs they really hurt and I’m wanting to do 26 songs which is a lot more.


For a first rehearsal of Zombie we didn’t do a bad job. I had only just learnt the chords and haven’t really listened to the song before so I was pretty much guessing how the song goes and I did a fairly good job considering, the only thing I need to work on is the end but playing with the song . Faye vocals definitely need some work, especially with the ending of the song so we will both practice the song at home so that when we rehearse again we can do it better.

Here comes your man-1

I really like this song and I think for our first rehearsal we did a really good job. Faye obviously still needs to learn the lyrics to this song and we both need to learnt he structure a little bit better but practicing to the song will help that. The vocals could do with a bit of work because Faye seems to be straining her voice in the choruses, she’s going to start doing vocal warmups before rehearsals now which will hopefully help.

Hay Ya!- 2

Since the last time we rehearsed this song we have changed the position of where I play the song so it fits Faye’s voice a lot better which is clear in this video. The rapping part is also a lot better and we are both getting to the grove of it a lot more. It still needs quite a lot of work, making is sound a lot cleaner and less messy as well as Faye focusing on getting the second and third verse perfect will really pull the song together.

Here comes your man- 3

This rehearsal went quite good, my guitar was pretty much spot on except for the transition from the pre chorus to the chorus the 3rd time round. The structure is still quite messy though, so we need to practice to the song to make sure we know the structure. Faye also needs to remember the lyrics as she’s messing up in the second verse making me mess up too. We will practice to the song to make sure we can improve.

Zombie- 2

This is a good rehearsal of Zombie, I had a much better idea of how the song goes and have started including more dynamics and changing strumming patterns in the song. The one problem I have with the song is Faye doing the yodelling. I think it sounds good but it doesn’t give off an original sound and for an acoustic duo I feel like you can’t really be copying other artists, you need to have your own individuality so people actually want to book you. Me and Faye had a long discussion about it as she really wanted to add the yodelling but after watching over the rehearsal video we have decided to not not do the yodelling and stick to being just Fayes voice. I think that will sound a lot better.

Fake Plastic Trees- 3

This rehearsal was good and there is clear development from last time. The vocals and the guitar have definitely been improved, the structure has been fully learnt it now sounds very well put together. I think the vocals could do with a bit more work but more practice will sort it out very quickly. The only thing i could work on is getting the dynamics more clear, having the louder sections louder and the quieter sections quieter, which i will work on.

Here comes your man- 2

This rehearsal of Here comes your man is a lot better than the last rehearsal, I have a much better feel of the song and the sections are a lot more split up and have a much better idea about the structure of the song. It still needs more practice though as some parts of the song were a bit messy (especially into the last chorus and i need to get the timing right for it). Fayes vocals are also a lot better in this rehearsal but could still do with some more practicing to get them perfect.

Zombie- rehearsal 3

Now that Faye is no longer doing the yodeling the song sounds so much better. I think i need to work on dynamics more as the chorus needs to sound a lot rockier. Faye also needs to work on her vocals more too so some more practice is needed for the both of us.

Here comes your man- rehearsal 3

We are slowly getting better at this one, we only messed up once in the song because Faye sings the last line of the 2nd chorus wrong so it confused me, we talked about how its supposed to be sang so hopefully next time it’ll be sang right. I still need to improve on the transition from the riff to the chords on the last chorus but more practice will make it a nice transition fairly quickly.

Hey Ya!- rehearsal 3

This rehearsal of Hey Ya! has definitely improved than the last one. Faye sings the song a lot better now and we both know the structure a lot better. However Faye needs to learn the lyrics as there’s a lack of confidence in melodies and it makes her voice sound shaky. She also struggled to get back in key for the last chorus so more practice will definitely make us improve a lot more.

here comes your man- 4

As you can see, I still need to practice that opening riff as I messed up at first. After we got into the groove of it however it sounded good with not really any mistakes being made, Faye knows all the lyrics and her vocals sound good to say she was suffering from a cold at the time. If we were to perform this now at a gig, we would be confident with this song.

Zombie- 4

This is so much better than last time, we have dynamics to the song and Faye’s vocals are loads better considering she had a cold. If we to perform this now I would be happy with the results. I think now we just need to work on our stage presence.

Karma Police- 2

This song is ready to perform, there’s not any more improvement needed really, I could work on getting the dynamics a bit better but it’s still quite dynamically good.

Cigarette Daydreams- 2

This song is also pretty much ready to perform once we remember how the structure goes, sometimes we remember it well but other times we struggle and I think thats mostly because we have so many songs to remember and learn in a short amount of time. Apart from that the song sounds really good with pretty much no mistakes.


This is a really good rehearsal to say its one of the first times doing this song, Faye still needs to learn the lyrics as sometimes she’ll forget a line so will look at the lyrics on her phone. I think we could also work on dynamics a bit more to try make it a little bit more interesting but apart from that it sounds really good.

Half the world away- 3

Because I’ve learnt so many songs over two months and this one was the first one i learnt my muscle memory kept messing up through this song so I need to re remember it so i don’t have to jump between chords when i mess up. Apart from all the random chord jumps the song sounds really good and once i re remember it it will sound close to perfect and very much ready to perform.

Starman- 1

Originally this song is played in open however we are playing it on first fret so that Faye can sing it. I feel like we did a good job rehearsing this song for a first time. Faye needs to learn the lyrics but that shouldn’t be too hard. I did mess up slightly in the middle of the song but it wasn’t too big of a mistake I just need to keep practicing it.

Crazy Little Thing Called Love- 1

This song is a hard one for us to pull of as there’s no drums to keep us in time, especially in the part where its just singing. To pull this one off I’ll really need to work on timings and we’ll need the confidence to be able to make it not sound bad and unprepared. It doesn’t sound bad however and if we keep practicing it, it should sound really good.


To say we’ve only just learnt Starman we got the song down quite quickly. I think I could try do a better job at the strumming as at the moment its sounding a bit messy but I just need to practice it. Faye’s vocals are good for this song and we’re both fairly confident with the song so with a few more practices it’ll be ready to perform.

Half the world away 4

This is another song we are quite confident at and I feel that there’s not really much more work we need to do on this song. We have the guitar parts and the singing down and the dynamics and feel to the song all sound really good. This one is definitely ready to perform.


We’ve rehearsed this one a lot off camera and I think the song sounds quite good. We could definitely work on the dynamics a bit more however on the guitar its quite difficult with the chords I’m playing and the strumming pattern I’m doing. The singing is good too.

Please, please, please let me get what i want- 1

For a first rehearsal of this song we didn’t do too badly, I had to read the chords off of my phone however as I kept forgetting how they went. I think it sounded good for a first rehearsal though and once I’ve gotten the chords down it’ll be a nice song we cover.

Full set runthrough

I decided to stand up and play this time as in the future I want to be comfortable standing at gigs, I thought it would be a lot harder to do and difficult for me to play guitar as I’m so used to sitting down but it only took me a few minutes to adjust.

The set as a whole sounds really good with little to no hearable mistakes been made and we are absolutely ready to perform these songs on stage. However we still need to work on stage presence, for example Faye’s stood very statue like the entire time and could definitely get into the feel of the music a bit more to come off more professional and not like we are really awkward on stage. I could also move around a bit more and try and look away from the guitar at certain parts so that I engage with the crowd. Also, we did try add a bit of crowd interaction but at the moment it just comes off awkward so again its trying to portray us as confident on stage, even when we aren’t.

We will be trying to get more comfortable on stage at the underground for the final performance so that when we do our paid gigs we know how to act and what to do.