Dress rehearsal

Dress rehearsal

This was our first performance in front of an audience that wasn’t the other course students, it was a chance to get the final sound checks and a way to help us know what the real thing would feel like.

First off, compared to our last rehearsal in this room, we all look more put together and the music itself sounds so much more professional. Not only us as a band, but the other bands as well. From our last rehearsal to this, our stage presence was much better and crowd engagement was a lot more prominent. We added clapping to Island in the sun, Aimee jumps about which makes the crowd enjoy the show more, and as a group we vibe a lot more. Musically we made very little mistakes and the tones of the guitars sounded much more similar to the songs.

I feel my individual performance went well apart from the solo in 505 as i hit the wrong notes. I also felt stressed mid way through the performance as my pic kept slipping out of my fingers and so ha to keep readjusting it. However apart from this i feel the way performed went very well and was looking forwards to the actual performance.