Bingley Music Town

Bingley music town in a new non profit voluntary organisation to make music more accessible the the area. This project is about us putting in our input in how to make it better from a younger generations perspective.


I personally feel like Bingley Music Town needs to have more of a brand and a lot more promotion and marketing. I also feel like there needs to be a few more music venues as most of them are in churches. I also feel like the venues they already have need upgrading a lot, with a lot more new equipment. There definitely also need more of a scene, church and acoustic performances are good for a regular town, but for a music town there needs to be so much more.

How to make it better:

Make an instagram account. Social media attracts younger audiences meaning you will get a bigger variety of people interacting with Bingley. If you get a younger audience you will also get more modern music in the scene, a bigger variety including rock, indie, jazz ect. This will also bring more money in to expand.

Main problem:

Bingley Music Town needs leadership. With no one running the show its hard for things to go places, there needs to be a group of people forming plans and giving everyone rolls.