
Self Assessment

Context- Good

I feel as though i have had a good understanding of the live performance work i had to do and have clearly shown that through my work such as the importance of health and safety.

Research- Good

I feel like i have done enough research from relevant sources to learn my part in the band and learnt relevant facts for the work, such as looking up case studies and performances.

Practical skills- Excellent

I feel i have understood what it meant to be able to perform in front of a live performance and was able to help my band mates pull the songs together by taking leadership in certain situations to keep the band together.

Evaluation and reflection- Good

I feel as though i have explained what went well and what could go better in all of the rehearsal and performance videos. I feel by doing this i have clearly shown how the band is progressing.

Overall grade- Good

I feel i have shown efficient work throughout the project and have been able to clearly show mine and my bands progress by showing videos and evaluating them. I have also shown creativity through the appearance of my digital space.

I confirm that the attached assessment is all my own work and does not include any work completed by anyone other than myself and sources have been appropriately referenced.