Radiohead research

Radiohead is a big inspiration for my song as they are my favourite band and i would like to make music similar to theirs. I initially wanted to make a song more in the OK computer style type of music but have ended up leaning more towards In Rainbows, more specifically Weird fishes/ Arpeggi.

Airbag (Ok computer)

I like this song because of the layering to build up the song and I would like to do the same in my song. I also really like the use of synths in this song and Ok computer album in general which I would like to include something similar.

Paranoid android (Ok computer)

Similar to Airbag I like this song because of its layering, I also like how much it changed and if I get the chance I would like to do something similar where I have lots of different sections in my song. I really like the riff they use as well and would like to incorporate a repeated riff in my own sown.

Weird fishes (In rainbows)

Lyric wise I am thinking more of Exits music for a film style lyrics where it gradually builds up, as well as You and whose army which does the same where it all kicks in nearer to the end. I also really like the drums in Weird Fishes and will definitely try to do something similar for the drums.

Exits music (OK computer)

I’m inspired by Exits Music for the way it gradually builds up, I really like the idea of just guitar and singing at the start of the song and then slowly building layers to create a big ending.

You and whose army? (Amnesiac)

Similar to Exits Music, I like You And Whose Army because of how it builds up. However in my song I would prefer it to build up a bit quicker than in this song as my lyrics will be less powerful than these and I feel people would get bored to early on and not listen to the whole song.

How do Radiohead make their songs?


Radiohead use lots of borrowed chords, which are chords that don’t fit in key but still work. In this video they talk about Karma Police, and I really like the idea of the chorus being quieter then the verses and if I can I would like to include something similar. I take inspiration from Karma Police as well for the layers, especially in the bridge, having piano, acoustic and electric guitar, bass, drums, backing vocals and some synths, it really brings the whole song together and i would love to create something just like it.

Me covering radiohead songs:

High and dry
Karma Police

These are just 2 of the song i have learnt that are Radiohead songs. I had Lacey sing the lyrics for me in these 2 videos. I can also play Weird fishes, Exits music, Street spirit, My iron lung, Just, Creep and those are all just on guitar. I can play Everything in its right place on piano and Para vision by The Smile on piano as well.

Learning these songs made me understand more how Radiohead created their songs and really helped me make my own songs.